Daily Archives: 2014-12-26

Publish Maven bits to Maven Central using the Standard Deploy Plugin (2)

In the first post of this series, we discussed how to publish Maven bits to Maven Central using the standard Maven deploy plugin. This is an eight step process to set up and execute, and we discussed the first two steps in the previous post of this series.

We will discuss the five of the remaining steps in this post, and I will create another post with particular focus on how to do the code signing with GnuPG in an automated multi-module Maven build.

Step 3: Request an account in Sonatype JIRA and create a ticket to set up a Nexus repository

The process of how to request an account and have a Nexus staging repository set up is described in the OSSRH guide. The staging repository is restricted to a specific group ID. If you maintain multiple projects and eventually want to publish all of them, request a top-level group ID in the ticket.

As an example, if you own the domain “domain.com” and you have two projects with the planned group IDs “com.domain.project1” and “com.domain.project2”, request the repository to being set up for “com.domain”, even if the concrete request is for the project with the group ID “com.domain.project1”.

Step 4: Add the OSSRH repository to the distribution management section in the POM

I do not publish SNAPSHOT builds in my project, but Sonatype generally supports them. They are located in a different repository though.

Configure the distribution management section to deploy the bits automatically into the staging repository on Sonatype using the standard Maven deploy plugin:

  uncomment this section if you want to deploy SNAPSHOT builds

See the “util” project parent POM and related source file here for an example.

Step 5: Add your credentials for OSSRH to the “settings.xml” file in your home directory

The Maven deploy plugin will need the Sonatype jira credentials to submit the bits to the staging repository. It is really not very secure to use the primary credentials directly here, but unfortunately Sonatype does not support using a tokenized form of the credentials at this point.


Be sure to always use the same ID whenever referring to the OSSRH repository: The ID used in the repository ID of the “distribution management” section of the POM must match the ID used in the settings’ server section.

Edit: continue reading…